Now you’re the expert are you more worried than ever about getting things wrong? 

If you are, you’re not alone.

When we learn something new, we’re prepared to ask the silly questions. We’re prepared to get things wrong. We’re prepared to fall once in a while. 

Then we reach these senior communications leadership positions and we’re proud to be there, but still have bad days (yes, every single one of us), yet:

We’re scared to show we don’t have the answer. We’re scared to admit the conditions unsettle us. We’re scared to stumble or fall in front of others. It can feel both terrifying and extremely lonely to deal with. 

That’s why it’s critical to have someone you can let your guard down with, whether your boss, a mentor, professional coach, trusted colleague or friend

However senior you are, it’s still ok to turn to someone for support, for guidance, or just to say, woah, this is a little bit unlike anything I’ve done before…

Be brave 
Be bold 
Be different 

And don’t be afraid to fall once in a while, it’s how we learn

WARNING: film contains enticing mountainous views