When you think of a corporate leader what do you imagine?  

Do you care if someone’s hair has been beautifully done, if they have a full face of makeup on, or what they’re wearing? 

Well, for today’s Moxy Vlog, we’re exploring just that. In fact, I decided to go all out. I got my hair done (it’s proper fancy!), put on a full face of makeup, and even picked the most corporate clothes I could find…   

Aspirations of leadership

We often aspire to what we think a leader should be, what they should wear, how they should be presented (think of all those Zoom backgrounds packed full of intelligent books).  

We talk a lot about bringing our whole selves to work, but I’m not sure we do it, even in front of our screens. Ask yourself: 

  • What do you think you should be wearing right now? 
  • What will you be wearing if you go into the office today? 
  • How will you be acting? 

Does that feel like you OR the you you’re supposed to be?  

Being you

Personally, I’ve never felt like I fit in anywhere. Not in large corporates, and certainly not in the Civil Service. I just did my best to exude the kind of person I thought people wanted me to be.  

The reason I love running my own company today is because I can be me, and it is freeing, quite literally, to be able to wear what I want, say what I want and do what I want. 

I hope I can inspire others – just like you – to do the same because, and trust me on this, it feels great… 

Be brave 
Be bold 
Be different 

And above all else, be YOU… brilliant, wonderfully imperfect, and utterly fabulous you!