We talk a lot about the importance of creating an inclusive culture, but how often do we stop to consider what it really means?

Early in my career I listened to a Board member describe the two critical ingredients of successful leadership: the right strategy and the right team. 

I remember thinking, wow, that makes so much sense. 

Fast forward a few years to when I stepped into leadership positions, and I realised that  something was missing.  The magic to inspire that team to deliver that strategy! 

That’s where you need to show your moxy as a leader because it’s where you can make the most difference. 

What culture can do

I was lucky to be working with an incredible coach in my early thirties who identified my dyslexia and helped me to understand what it meant. 

I was luckier still because, not long after, I joined an organisation that encouraged people to bring their whole selves to work. 

That’s what gave me the confidence to talk about being a dyslexic Director of Communications. I wanted to be honest about the sort of leader I was going to be: an imperfect one. 

The imperfection of inclusivity

None of us are perfect. None. And that’s ok. It’s what inspires us to create diverse teams. 

That’s what true inclusivity means. Creating an environment where people don’t have to fit a particular mould, because they know that their particular brand of brilliance has a place…. 

I know it made all the difference to me. 

Be brave 
Be bold 
Be brilliant 

And create the magic that brings your team and strategy to life.