What is moxy and why should you show more of it?

People often ask me why I named my business ‘Moxy Communications’.  

As you’d expect, it was something that I gave a lot of thought to. I wanted to find something that really represented not just me, but the approach that I wanted to take in business and capture the support I wanted to offer people. 

What is moxy? 

Moxy describes someone with fighting spirit, with boldness, determination and nerve. 

When you show your moxy, you have the courage of your own convictions to do things your way, even if, or maybe especially if, that’s different to what might be expected of you. 

Brilliant leadership doesn’t happen by accident. It’s the right blend of skills (which I’m sure you have in spades), the right strategy, and then something just that little bit special to bring it to life. 

That’s where you need to show your moxy. 

Showing your moxy  

It’s how you inspire your team, it’s how you motivate your team and most importantly, it’s how you get the best out of yourself.  

Showing your moxy is embracing your own brand of brilliance. Trusting your instincts and doing what you believe is right. 

I’m on a mission to encourage you all to think differently and communicate better. I try to apply that in every piece of content, every email, every Vlog that I produce.  

It might not be perfect, it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s always absolutely me. And that feels pretty amazing. 

I really do hope everything I share helps inspire you to show more moxy, because I have no doubt that you have something incredible to share. 

Be brave 
Be bold 
Be brilliant 

And show your moxy at every possible opportunity.