What can martial arts teach us about getting through challenging times?

Last week, I got my brown-black belt in kickboxing. It is, without doubt, one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done.  

As lovely and respectful as we are as a club, they go pretty hard on you when you are getting such a high belt.  

How to stay standing 

The thing that got me through wasn’t the years of training, or even the fitness that I had to build. 

It was the people that were standing around me when I was in my final round, and I could barely stand up. 

I could hear people saying “you can do it!”. I could feel that people believed in me, even when I was starting to falter. And that, for me, is everything. 

Why people matter 

Because whatever we do in life, whatever we work at, it is the people that we surround ourselves with that matter. 

If you are not surrounded by people who have your back, who believe in you when you don’t, then give me a call because we need to talk. 

Life is too short not to have those amazing people in your corner cheering you on. 

Be brave 
Be bold 
Be brilliant 

And surround yourself with people who have your back.