Boundaries are most important when things get really busy

Being busy is a lovely problem to have, especially when you run your own business, but it’s a problem all the same.  

It’s really, really important, when things get busy, to make sure you take time for yourself. 

Self-care you say? 

Some people worry that taking a break or looking after themselves is selfish. It’s not. It’s self-care and it’s vital. 

As part of that, we are going to take a break from the Moxy Vlogs over the summer, but I’m really looking forward to bringing them back in the autumn.  

Moxy in a minute 

We’re planning to bring you ‘Moxy in a minute’, which I’m really excited about. We know how incredibly busy you are, so we thought we’d try and make our films even shorter. Watch this space 👀. 

If you haven’t already, we’d still love to hear from you about the Moxy Vlogs. What have you enjoyed (or not!) over the last six months, and what would you like to see more of?  

In the meantime, please do make sure that you’re making the best of any good weather we have, and let’s hope it’s more rather than less… 

Be brave 
Be bold 
Be brilliant 

And always make time for a break, you deserve it!